Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The significance of the media is basically to inform, educate, and entertain. As a result the society depends on the media for same. In the entire media syndrome the electronic media, particularly the television has more of an upper hand with regards to its audio and visual properties. To this end, many people are more attached to television broadcast and this from my perception has had both negative and positive influence on the morals of our today’s society, considering the fact that what we see have more impact or impression on our being than just what we hear.

Apparently for one to appear on television it is considered a big deal and the one is regarded to be important and people have this tendency to copy or act accordingly from what they have watched especially from those considered Stars, Celebrities regular on TV SHOWS.

Our children for instance with the busy nature of most parents in our modern society are more glued and totally dependent on the TV screen; this however occupies them and their parents are equally chance to carryout a certain chores or get some rest. Some of these children are so immune to the TV so much so that they don’t have time or interest for any thing else or hurry up in what ever they do or are not steady when they are trying to have their shower or having their meals because they are so eager to be in front of the screen. Some even no longer concentrate on their school work, it is this bad.
I’m definitely in the know about modern techniques of parental discretion to be able to control what our children watch, but surprisingly I have had the privilege to hear children use certain words which are sometimes abusive and immoral especially those that have not started school then I wonder how they came about such words and to my surprise watching some of their programs and animated shows inclusive I realised those words like ‘YOU STINK’ ‘MAMA’S BUTT’, ‘STUPID’, ‘ASSHOLE’ are actually used.

We hear news of youths even as young as four years using real guns and killing, I for one wondered initially on how they had access to the gun in the first place and how they got the skills to operate it. I guess the answer is not farfetched- because of toy guns and programs they watch on television.

Some months back I read an internet report of a teenager who shot his parents because they seized his video game which his father a Clergy thought it was not appropriate for him. He went in to their room and asked them to close their eyes for he had a surprise and ignorant of their predicament they did what their lovely son demanded and he shot at them both on the head. The mom died instantly and the father was badly injured. The boy fled the scene with just the video game he had dug and discovered where it was hidden.

Even so, there are many programs aired and I ponder about the focus or intended outcome of such programs even those rated for adults. Adults can also be influenced negatively after watching some of these mean and outrageous programs.I am quite aware the Television has many programs and one has the free will or mind to watch what he or she chooses but again naturally bad stuff have more popularity than good stuff thereby attracting and tempting more audience view.

My point therefore is that, if Producers of programs can bare in mind some of these negative aspects and air just programs with positive and proper information, education and entertainment, then I strongly uphold our fallen social moral rectitude could be revived making our society and world a better place- one free from abusive children, drug abuse and the inclination of unhealthy habits like cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. Honestly speaking, if our children are groomed in a more responsible and civil manner then we are sure of a more prospective and decent future in the generations to come.


It should be known that from history humans walked about naked, then they started using leaves and skin of animals as a cover and to protect their bodies. Today humans have evolved to a more sophisticated mode of dressing and fashion in its entirety is one of the most lucrative economic activities today. Although there are still some interior parts in the world where indigenous people still move about with very little clothing, they just have what they can cover their midsection both women and men. Besides looking beautiful, eloquent, the most essential need for clothing is to protect us from harsh weather conditions; the reason why our mode of dressing differ from season to season, activity to activity and from area to area considering our varied climatic conditions.

I am not a medical expert but from my observation many particularly females dress today more preoccupied to look sexy even in unfavourable climatic conditions as such they dress up in more revealing outfits. I even noticed that in real and deep cold winter weather some people dress so light with just a sleeveless top or shorts while others have on thick clothing and still do not seem to overcome the cold temperature, and then I wonder what those moving about clad in light clothes are made of.

Medical reports hold that exposure to the cold does affect the number of winter deaths‚ but it is very unusual for the cold to kill people directly. In the main these deaths are from respiratory or cardio-vascular ailments. Overall deaths are from heart attacks‚ strokes‚ bronchial and other conditions‚ and may often occur several days after exposure to the cold.

Children and old people are particularly vulnerable or susceptible and there are many cold related illnesses like - common cold, influenza, asthma exacerbation, bronchiolitis, croup, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, postnasal drip, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. I will however leave the medical details to Experts, but will love to share my notion about dressing and outcomes.

Even in Cameroon some areas can be really cold especially in the North West and Western part of Cameroon. I lived in Buea town by the foot of mount Fako or Cameroon rising to 4,040 metres (13,255 ft) above the coast of west Cameroon, known as the South West Region today. Many people understand Africa generally is very hot and so did these Volunteers for my sister’s NGO from the US. In fact the lady was really surprised when she developed a cold and stayed in bed all day; my mom had to provide her with a sweater and she took some medications.

For my interaction with some people, I noticed they have a misconception about outfits. For instance, some people associate all long sleeves clothing as only what we can dress up with in cold weather only but that should not be so. The material is more the determinant aspect here. Light materials like cotton, polyester, silk are suitable for hot weathers whether long or short sleeves while heavy linens like wool, leather short or long sleeve are more convenient for cold temperatures. Colours of linens equally are an important factor to consider as part of our dressing. Darker colours like black, grey are known to activate intensive body heat during very hot weather because they absorb and retain a lot of heat, the reason why it is advisable to dress in lighter and brighter colours during hot temperatures.

It is important to note that normal human body temperature, also known as normothermia or euthermia, is a concept that depends upon the place in the body at which the measurement is made, and the time of day and level of activity of the body hence, the human body temperature vary with age, level of activity, size or weight, and fluctuates with the time of the day with the lowest levels around 4 a.m. and the highest in the late afternoon, between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Temperature is increased after eating, and psychological factors also influence body temperature.

Even so, women approaching menopause also experience hot flushes and night sweats characterised by feelings of heat that spread to the chest, neck, face or even the whole body and may be accompanied by sweating, nausea, heart palpitations, and flushed skin. Being around such people they will always have the tendency to turn the cooling temperature higher than normal. What is important is that we should understand our bodies and protect it accordingly, we should not copy from others by trying to avoid keeping warm when we are indeed cold because we see others having lighter garments on. As a matter of fact, when we travel or migrate to colder places than where we resided originally, it is advisable for us not to try to dress up like the people because the inhabitants are accustomed to their climatic condition and we are bound to suffer immensely from the impact of this climate change particularly if we are not conscious.

Children for instance develop higher temperatures with activities like playing, but this is not fever because their set-point is normal. Elderly patients may have a decreased ability to generate body heat during a fever, so even a low-grade fever can have serious underlying causes in geriatrics. Normal body temperature may differ as much as 1.0 °F between individuals or from day to day. With this in mind, we should not dress our children especially babies with very little or very light clothing because we as adults experience higher temperature levels. This has led many children to suffer constantly from common colds like cough which is usually accompanied by running nostrils. Medically, Cough is regarded as a bothersome symptom many children with upper respiratory tract infections (URI) experience. It is also a troubling symptom because it adversely affects sleep for both the child and the parents. Parents often have anxiety about their child's cough; concerns range from fear of the child dying, it is therefore necessary to always keep our children warm.

Reading about ozone layer depletion, I also got to understand the dangers of Ultra Violet Rays known as UVs. Actually the sun is a flaming star full of burning hot gases. Its heat makes life on earth possible but along with its warmth are deathly UVs which harm all life on our planet- people, animals and plants thus we must protect ourselves from the dangers of UVs.

Summer is fast approaching and I guess we are all eager and excited to enjoy as much sunshine as we can but please we should protect our skin with clothes which cover our arms and legs especially those whose jobs exposes them to direct sunlight. We should wear hats to cover our heads and sunglasses to protect our eyes. This is due to the fact that UVs may not only burn but also wrinkle our skin causing one to look old. They also cause cataract in eyes which can lead to blindness, weaken ones body resistance to diseases causing one to get sick easily. Children are in particular danger because UVs damage could result to cancer later. We should therefore always avoid the sun when it is high up in the sky by staying in the shade and use sunscreen lotions if we can afford it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Challenge for Africa: A Conversation With Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai, Founder, Green Belt Movement; Recipient, Nobel Peace Prize (2004)
“Almost every conflict in Africa you can point at has something to do with competition over resources in an environment which has bad governance,” said Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement and recipient of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, at an April 13, 2009, event co-sponsored by the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and Africa Program and the International Gateway at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center. Maathai discussed her new book, The Challenge for Africa, with Environmental Change and Security Program Director Geoff Dabelko.

“This is why I wrote this book: Because I really was challenging us as Africans to think outside the box and to begin to see why when we seem to move forward, we make two steps forward, and we make one step backward, and so we look like we are not moving,” said Maathai. “Some of these issues are complex, they are difficult—but they have a lot to do with the way we have decided to manage our resources and to manage our politics and economics.”
The Three Legs of Stability

Maathai used the traditional African three-legged stool as a metaphor for what she views as the three essential components of a stable society: sustainable environmental management, democratic governance, and a culture of peace. “Those legs are chiseled by a craftsman…[who] chisels all the three legs at the same time, in order to create a balance,” she said. “If we don’t have these three legs, no matter who comes, and with whatever [loans or aid], we shall never develop.”

Land, Politics, and Ethnicity: An Explosive Combination
Maathai explained that in the absence of democratic governance and sustainable environmental management, natural resources have repeatedly ignited conflict in her native Kenya. For instance, the advent of private land ownership during colonialism pitted Maasai herders, who need large tracts of land to graze their cattle, against Kikuyu farmers, who for the first time obtained deeds to their land and began to erect fences to mark the boundaries.
In addition, Maathai noted that politicians often use Kenya’s ethnic divisions and land scarcity to whip up animosity toward internal migrants and bolster their own re-election prospects. “If you don’t, then, therefore, ensure that the resources within the country are equitably distributed, and you encourage these prejudgments that communities have against each other, you’re going to have conflict,” she said.

Holistic Approach Is Key to Successful Development
The Green Belt Movement began as a small, grassroots project that envisioned tree-planting as a way to address rural women’s needs, including firewood, food, clean water, and soil erosion. “Even though that’s how we started, it very quickly became clear to me that these are symptoms, and therefore we needed to get to the causes. And it is in search of the causes that eventually led me into understanding how interconnected these issues were,” said Maathai, who urged governments, development agencies, and nonprofits to adopt an integrated approach to development.

“Unless you deal with the cause, you are wasting your time. You can use all the money you want for all the years you want; you will not solve the problem, because you are dealing with a symptom. So we need to go outside that box and deal with development in a holistic way.”
“I can’t say, ‘Let us deal with governance this time, and don’t worry about the resources.’ Or, ‘Don’t worry about peace today, or conflicts that are going on; let us worry about management of resources.’ I saw that it was very, very important to use the tree-planting as an entry point,” explained Maathai.

“Even though it is the women who provide the drive for planting trees—partly because it is they who suffer when the environment is destroyed, it is also they who work in the field—once we are in the community, we will have to deal with the women, deal with the men, deal with the children, deal with the livestock, deal with everything,” said Maathai.
Climate Change, Forests, and Environmental Justice

According to Maathai, 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions are due to deforestation and forest degradation—more than the percentage due to transportation. She is working with Avoided Deforestation Partners to make avoiding deforestation part of the Copenhagen agreements—a step that would not only slow global climate change, but also help those who are directly dependent on natural resources like forests for their livelihoods, and therefore most vulnerable to climate change. “This is the one issue which really comes to tell us that indeed, the planet is a small village, and all of us are in this little village together.”

By Rachel Weisshaar


The two Camroonian Presidents - Ahijo former (left) and Paul Biya the present

Cameroon like some other African countries gained independence in 1960 but Cameroon still has much to reckon with as far as developmental progress is concern. Even some of the relics left behind by our colonial masters can be seen today usually in a pathetic dilapidated state.

Unlike other countries like our neighbours Nigeria who has had fourteen leaders, Cameroon has had just two Presidents to rule since its independence. Ahmadou Ahidjo became a dominant figure in independence, unified Cameroon. He was elected five times from 1960 and 1980, and he maintained political and economic stability in Cameroon for twenty-two years. The price of stability, however, was government censorship of newspapers and curtailment of free speech.

In November 1982, Ahijo resigned in the middle of his fifth presidential term and chose his Prime Minister Paul Biya to succeed him. After completing his predecessor’s term Mr Biya was elected to a full term as President in January 1984, and he decided to change the country’s name from the United Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Cameroon. He equally changed from Ahijo’s policies and installed several new cabinets. Before we used to study the names of the different Ministers in primary schools but today due to the constant cabinet reshuffle, it is no longer worth while.

Ahijo’s regime was greatly criticised by English- Speaking Cameroonians who due to their minority status felt they were disadvantage within the United States and suffered from marginalisation, oppression and suppression from La Republic Du Cameroon. Many hoped for a change with President Biya coming in to the scene with his slogan of rigour and moralization and as a Christian Southerner after being ruled by a Northerner and Muslim.

Opposition is still strong till date, particularly from The Southern Cameroon National Council (SCNC) a secessionist organization that seeks to restore Anglophones sovereignty and independence. It is a non-violent organisation, and its motto is "The force of argument, not the argument of force.

As they say, it is better to compare two things. Some hold President Ahijo was eating using a fork, so some remnants can be enjoyed by citizens down there, but now President Paul Biya uses a spoon to eat, so the people have no access to remnants, thus making livelihood more difficult.
Apparently, some Veterans say, life in those days in Cameroon was blooming and glossy. Today, the economic crisis is having a great impact on the society. Formally, those who attended Public Professional schools and graduated were offered jobs. Students who excelled in general exams like the Advance Level, General Certificate Exam (GCE A’Ls) were granted scholarships to study abroad, all these positive actions are no longer applicable.

Cameroon had ten provinces, the President once again on November 12, 2008 decided to make a change by signing a Presidential decree creating ten regions from the ten provinces. What is the essence? This has again stirred many negative comments. Some think it is the most stupid decision he has ever made and attribute it to the fact that the President is either going nuts, confuse or age is playing a trick on him.

Some question the decision of regions if there are still ten same like the provinces, suggesting it would have been a better idea to combine the three Northern Provinces and call it the Northern region, the South, East and Center Provinces as South- East Region, and the Littoral, West and South West Provinces as West, concluding he ought to be ashamed for using a new name ‘Region’ for his segregation policies rendering the country helpless.

The change of statues should come with development. But how can we attain development when there are constant reports of Directors and Ministers being accused and charged for embezzling gross sums of money from the national coffers.From my point of view, there are inherent aspects that has hindered or deprived developmental growth and changes in Cameroon.

Economically we have a regressive taxing system. As a result of high taxes levied, many economic activities or plans had been foiled thus ignoring the fact that setting up a business requires physical resources, and it also create employment opportunities, therefore the business operator needs to be given some time to kick off before the government can start taxing. If this can be adhered to, it would pave the way for economic stability and growth.

Even the small and medium size entrepreneurships are not encouraged because of numerous tax demands from different services and most of all the different tax collectors have fraudulent means to extort money from them, made possible due to the fact that there is no specific or adequately defined taxing system.

Bribery and corruption is the chief aspect. Funds budgeted or allocated for certain projects are either not carried out or it is misappropriated, because part of the money has been siphoned and the difference is not enough to carryout the project accurately. Civil Servants make demands to render their services.

Usually there is always a call for tender when there is a contract to be carried out. As I have noted, most Directors or Service Heads own their own businesses hence, many other business concerns would apply and bribe their way through just to win the contract at the end, the Director would accord the contract to his personal business enterprise usually registered in a family member’s name or to someone he has negotiated to have a considerable amount as the Directors own cut of the deal.

Nepotism is also an issue. When people are appointed to high positions, they turn to employ mostly their family members, tribesmen or close friends, even if they are not qualified for the post. Under Ahijo’s reign it is observed he maintained control through shrewd political appointments by appointing people from many areas of the country and from many different ethnic groups to serve as governmental officials, even political opponents were given prestigious jobs but then, this system of political job placement also created a large, inefficient, and often corrupt bureaucracy.

Paul Biya on his part appoints mostly Officials who are loyal to him to important government post, especially after the April 1984 attempt to overthrow Biya’s government by members of the Presidential guard mostly disgruntled Northerners. In 1990 he introduced a policy of legalized new political parties.

Amidst all these discrepancies, the talkative and social watchdogs known as the press and media are hushed and persecuted, for those who try to uphold their media law and ethics to provide substantial and objective reports and in effect expose these malpractices. This has spurred Human Rights abuses and violations.

The peak of oppositions provoked a nation wide riot. Prof. Calson Anyangwe, President of British Cameroon on exile referred to the last nationwide riot as the ‘February 2008 Massacre of Anglophones in Cameroon by the Biya regime’. Even so, The International Media Monitoring groups have accused the government of Cameroon of censoring the media and beating and intimidating journalist as well as confiscating their equipments.

A report by Harry Yemti Ndienla on MyNews.in of October 11, 2008 stated that “One unmistaken way in which you know how concern a leader is about the welfare of his people is how he reacts to a national emergency. Even on relatively minor but important matters good leaders do have the good taste of solidarity with their people. But President Biya seems far from this. He has been faulted by many Cameroonians for having lost interest in his job and also for not willing to do it well”.

In my candid opinion, if all these complexity and variances are not addressed, whether we change from Province to Region or States, the socio-economic crisis and situation we face shall worsen as the years go by. Salaries are low while some experience payments delay.

Unemployment is alarming, while the prices of basic commodities increase by the day. From 1982 till date, how long are we to wait or expect changes? With the President now getting frail considering his age, what new developmental strategies, policies or transformation can he achieve now that he had not derived for all these years? Why can’t some of our leaders strive to rule and bring about progress and developmental growth in their honour, will that not be awesome?

Thursday, April 23, 2009


In economics, population is an important economic indicator, first as labour – human efforts, both physical and mental and secondly, the people who take part in production are themselves consumers and so constitute a market.

From reports on Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe has an unemployment rate of 94% declared by UN’s humanitarian arm. Zimbabwe is suffering from a severe lack of human resources, in many cases this problem is a direct result of the HIV epidemic, as workers are either caring for family members with AIDS or suffering from it.

In the healthcare sector, the deficiency of workers has hindered efforts to treat and care for people living with HIV. Zimbabwean Human Rights Doctors say there is now one doctor for every 12,000 people as such Health professionals are working under intense pressure and stress with too much to do yet receive poor pay, and critical lack of supplies, while large numbers of health personnel migrate to other countries once they are trained, and many of those remaining are affected by HIV.

As the economy deteriorates and farming communities struggle to recover from President Mugabe’s land reforms, food shortages have escalated. Queues for food can be seen outside a supermarket in Zimbabwe. Sickness and death from AIDS has caused a reduction in agricultural output especially since women who form the bulk of agricultural labour are vulnerable to HIV infection. Women equally are expected to care for relatives infected with AIDS, forcing many to abandon their agricultural work.

The degenerated workforce in Zimbabwe has resulted to food shortages, increasing the number of deaths from AIDS. Malnutrition has caused people living with HIV to develop AIDS faster, and is likely to have decreased the effectiveness of ARVs for those who fortunately can receive this treatment.

Even though, most people feel the Zimbabwean Government’s response to the AIDS crisis has been relatively good in comparison with their performance in other areas, prevention and treatment initiatives have been scaled up and the national HIV prevalence seems to have declined. Yet in the context of such a fragmented political and economic background, the fight against AIDS has been unable to make substantial progress.

The collapse of the economy- which is perhaps the most prominent of Zimbabwe’s interrelated problems – has been a direct result of the Government’s disastrous land reforms policy, as farming output has declined and the unethical nature of the campaign has led to international sanctions and the withdrawal of aid.

Eventually, there is only so much that can be done with such low levels of funding, human resources and international support. Zimbabwe following report issued by the United Nations has the lowest life expectancies in the world at just 37 years for men and 34 years for women – due chiefly to the AIDS epidemic. Women’s life expectancy over the last two years dropped by two years according to WHO.
Mugabe now 85 years old, many hold a change of government is long overdue and necessary if an effective response to the epidemic is to be formed.


It is really sad to absorb the state of affairs in Zimbabwe; for a country which used to be one of the richest in Africa. A decade ago the economy was almost twice as big as it is today hence poverty and unemployment rate are both endemic in Zimbabwe driven by the shrinking economy and hyper-inflation. Experts attribute Zimbabwe’s situation is due to two main factors – the deteriorating economy without sign of improvement and HIV/AIDS. In effect, the motto- Unity, Freedom and Work is a gimmick.

There is certainly no doubt that HIV/AIDS has had massive impact on the world’s population in general and the Sub- Saharan region in particular. However, it is equally a known fact that the prevalence of water and sanitation - related diseases in Africa has resulted to a greater mortality vis-à-vis HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS is just another ill health condition just like any other but with its own peculiarities. Scientist profess that no disease is so widely misunderstood or as controversial as AIDS and has captured attention due to its abrupt apocalyptic appearance and it’s almost certain fatal outcome.

AIDS is simple in neither cause nor effect. Basically, it is a life-treating disruption of the immune system by HIV. This virus progressively weakens the body’s ability to fight off diseases, opening it to severe infections with both common and exotic organisms, as well as various forms of cancer.

Apparently HIV is particularly dangerous because it can lie hidden for years thus; someone infected by HIV may not yet have AIDS nor experience any symptoms. As symptoms related to the viral infection begin to appear, the term AIDS - Related Complex – ARC is often used to describe the situation, only when the immune system nears total collapse is a patient said to have AIDS. Victims who are on antiretroviral treatment and strive to live a normal life can actually live for several years.

HIV has sparked tremendous fear and controversy, not only because of whom it attacks and the way it is transmitted, but because of its hidden nature and lethal results. Nonetheless, ignoring all odds victims should not be despair and give up on life; instead it would be worthwhile for them to make the best of life.

Certainly victims experience stigmatization but they are equally encouraged to live a normal and good life. Some victims as noted becomes repugnant and dubious thereby embarking in a contamination binge holding they never bought the disease neither did they commit any mortal sin to be afflicted by such nightmare. This is wrong, I beseech victims to be selfless and endeavour to limit the spread of the disease by advising others and utilsing preventive measures to curb the spread of the disease.

Many victims are now HIV/AIDS Advocates and Counselors and some from their life demises are now open to better opportunities through the help of philanthropic organizations, they are trained to sensitise and educate others. HIV/AIDS victims should please join in this fight rather than aggravating the situation.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Garden Of Eden Institute Of Natural Medicine(GAENAMED-CAM) Buea- Cameroon

The decision to observe an African Traditional Medicine Day follows an adoption in 2000 of a resolution on promoting the role of traditional medicine in health systems, a strategy for the African regions Health Ministers requesting the institution of a day in the WHO calendar for observance by member states.
Hence, ‘Traditional Medicine; Its Role In The Fight Against HIV/AIDS’ was the theme of the 3rd edition of African Traditional Medicine Day commemorated August 31st 2005 as declared by WHO.

The impact of HIV/AIDS has provoked those in the medical field to seek possible solutions to combat the disease. While Researchers, Orthodox Medical Practitioners have been doing their part and till date they still profess they have gotten no head way with regards to the cure, African Traditional Medical Practitioners have also been concern.

One of such Tradi- Medical Practitioner who has carried out extensive research with regards to the cure of HIV/AIDS is Dr Fru Richard, an Advocate of African Traditional Medicine in Cameroon practicing for over twelve years. He has attended AIDS conferences in Cameroon and abroad, won three awards and participated in media health programs. According to his view on HIV/AIDS, he affirms that HIV/AIDS has been a major cause for concern in the world today and its tentacles have caused a lot of havoc.

Traditional medicine over the years has proven ideal in treating viral infections such as small pox, chicken pox, measles, herpes etc, and today WHY NOT HIV? We all know that the best fight for viral infections in the body is the immune system thus, only medications that can detoxify the system, repair damaged cells and tissues and boost the body immunity both naturally and supernaturally are best for tackling HIV/AIDS. The credit goes to traditional medicine, which has all the above mentioned qualities; therefore any drug that would hunt the virus directly would hardly succeed.

He further stated that, we should be aware that, viruses usually invade the system once the immune system is compromised through a number of factors such as; legal or illegal drug intake, excess alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, constant sleep deprivation, pollution, radiation, negative emotional states, low spiritual profile and many other personal health care products.

The most appropriate cure for HIV/AIDS require a reversal of all the health conditions that might have lead to the vulnerability of the individual to the virus, and also respecting all laws of nature by consuming only organic products while avoiding anything acidic.

He then pointed out that, despite the effectiveness of some herbal remedies in the fight against HIV/AIDS many especially the authorities in place still find it difficult to belief in the outcome of our research. I therefore seize this opportunity to solicit for collaboration with Health Organizations and Conventional Medical Practitioners to seek the reality of what we propagate, rather than criticizing and condemning our worth. I hold if this issue can be amended, then the fight against the monster HIV/AIDS plaguing our society would be put under control.